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Taiji Meditation is for everyone. We may offer a variety of FREE classes and consulting services for every level and style. Don't know what you like? Just please send us an email at

The key elements of practicing Taiji:

  • Keep the mind calm, simple, and focused.

  • Keep the body relaxed, natural, and comfortable.

  • Think of the Dantian (丹田) lightly and frequently.

  • Initiate the Taiji movements from the mind in advance.

  • Keep the Taiji movements steady, gentle, and rounded.

  • Sink the internal energy flow "Qi" into the Dantian at the end.

  • Avoid winds, rains, noises, and other disruptions.

The Meditation is the foundation for Taiji. Without solid foundation in Meditation to build substantial consciousness and internal energy, the movements of Taiji will not produce desired effects.


The eight fundamental techniques of Taiji Meditation: Light, Loose, Soft, Slow, Still, Rising, Expanding, Empty. (太极冥想的八个关键技术: 轻, 松, 软, 慢, 静, 升, 扩, 空)

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